Welcome to Reading Addiction Blog Tour’s stop for ‘Reckoning’.
The official blurb:
My review:
Kat was endearing to me as a character, I enjoyed hearing about things from her perspective. Sometimes she didn’t seem all too bright, and I didn’t follow what she was thinking, but the rest of the time it was fine. And surely some of that was from when she was in shock.
The romance sort of thing was really good. Kat wasn’t really sure who she was being attracted to the most, and why, and then the betrayal she feels is just great. Well, not great for her, but great for my reading experience.
I loved the cover. I’m pretty sure Kat never wore a dress like that, but she’d be going for one if she did. She does look pretty amazing, if a little old (presuming that is her on the front cover).
I finished this novel and was filled with great things to say about it, and then I promptly didn’t get time to write them all down for a couple of days, so this review is a bit skimpy by my usual standards. It was super enjoyable though, and I would recommend it for sure.
I’d recommend this novel to teenagers who are just moving into the paranormal and fantasy genres, as well as those who already enjoy it. Yay! Five stars from me, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the other books in the series.
Find it on:

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About the Author
I’ve spent most of my life in Colorado and currently live just outside of Denver. I write my books on a laptop perched atop a rather creaky desk, surrounded by two crazy and loving cats. I love to travel and have visited 27 of the 50 states, as well as Canada, Ireland and England. And there are still a lot of places I want to go.
I spent entirely too many years in the gray dullness of the corporate world, imagining something more exciting as I punched numbers on a keyboard. During that time, I worked on a degree in English Literature, but never quite managed to complete it. Mostly because I was too busy reading and creating fantasy worlds in my head. It’s actually my love of reading and imagining that led me to take up writing full time. I thought I should finally give all the characters in my head a voice.
Music is a huge part of my life and plays a big role in the creation of my books. Although I listen to everything from Johann Sebastian Bach and Dv
orak, to Glen Miller and Bobby Darin, to Rihanna and Nox Arcana, as well as movie and video game soundtracks, there are two bands whose music is practically my lifeblood: Daughtry and Linkin Park. I will listen to or see them live anytime, anywhere.
I’m a fan of British television, Doctor Who (favorite doctor? David Tennant. Let the debate begin!), The Vampire Diaries, Japanese animé, Ghost Hunters, MI-5 and Eureka. And anything featuring James McAvoy. And I probably would never be able to unwind without That 70′s Show.
When I’m not reading and writing, you’ll probably find me listening to music, practicing yoga, working on my very inadequate French, playing piano, enjoying a lovely glass of red wine or champagne, or looking for inspiring landscapes to photograph.
You can find her at:
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Hi Rose,<br />Thank you so much for your kind words and the great review. Your time and input are greatly appreciated!<br />Molly M Hall