Review: Alison Cochrun – The Charm Offensive

The Charm Offensive
Alison Cochrun

Dev Deshpande believes in fairy tales and crafts them on a reality dating show. His own love life is a bit of a nightmare, but he can prepare his contestants for a happily ever after like no one else. His latest Prince Charming is a bit of a problem though – Charlie Winshaw doesn’t believe in true love, doesn’t want to love and is on the show to prove he’s normal. What does the happy ending look like for Dev and Charlie?

Charlie, you’re completely oblivious, and I love it! However, I really think you overestimated your chances of surviving on reality TV. Have you ever seen any of it? Are people really that oblivious? Dev, buddy, you weren’t doing yourself any favours either, and sometimes you really were a bit of an ass, even if you apologised for it later.

How on earth did Dev’s parents keep that a secret? Why didn’t they tell him? Yes, relationships should not fill holes in your soul. But, nothing wrong with having another human to share your life with. The depiction of mental illness was quite sensitive and it was nice to have something in adults (not young adults). Some aspects didn’t quite sit right for me, but I was willing to let it pass.

I’m not sure I really get the title of this novel, but ok! Maybe because Prince Charming is a thing? But why is it offensive? Is it offensive as in it smells, or that people are battling things out? Maybe the latter. I’m also not sure why I jumped into reading this novel, except that I find it hard to resist a gay love story with sufficient queer and diverse supporting characters! A novel set on a TV show where the contestants are supposed to find ‘true love’ in 3 months isn’t new (see Here for the right reasons and Can I steal you for a second).

I’m not going to reread this novel in the same way I do Helen Hoang’s romances, but I give it bonus points for addressing the importance of therapy. Having read several Alison Cochrun novels in a row, it’s getting a bit same-old, but that’s a me problem. 4 stars from me.

Review: Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick – Make My Wish Come True

Make My Wish Come True
Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick

Arden James left her small town to make it big in LA – leaving everything and everyone behind without a goodbye. Caroline Beckett was one of those left behind without an explanation and she’s done her best to move on with life and support Arden’s family as best she can. When Arden rocks back into town with the request for fake-dating 12 times, Caroline can’t say no.

She Gets the Girl was very good and I therefore jumped at the chance of an ARC of this novel. Unfortunately, Make My Wish Come True was a letdown. It was very predictable and also similar in nature to Finding my Elf. As a probably demisexual, I can’t imagine holding onto the idea of loving someone for four years when they’ve left you. Caroline is finally moving on for someone else, and Arden just waltzes back in and expects her to jump. And she does!

How many teenagers really relate to a popstar/celebrity relocation to LA? I can tell you that today’s teenagers (that I know) couldn’t care less, because tiktok and other social media has made it possible to be famous without moving. On the other hand, Caroline’s dreams of journalism are achievable, if a bit typical of teenage novels. I think that young lesbians could still love this novel, particularly if they like seasonal reading (and snow).

I think I’m allowed to be picky with the #queer novels that come across my path now because there are so many great ones out there! I don’t love Christmas either. That being said, I did recently read another ARC of a Christmas novel (barista/artist/fake-engagement) that I did enjoy. So it’s not just that. 3 stars for this novel from me for a protagonist who seems to be missing a backbone and a storyline that’s a little too predictable.

Simon & Schuster | 2nd October 2024 | AU$22.99 | ebook (ARC)

Review: Sonali Mishra – The Arrangement

The Arrangement
Sonali Mishra

Arjun is 30, single and feeling the pressure to get married, buy a house and have 2.5 kids. He’s resisted an arranged marriage so far, but with his best friends getting hitched soon he’s feeling pretty lonely. Even a spark with a green-eyed local Indian girl isn’t enough to get him engaged. Arjun finally agrees for his mother to arrange a marriage – but will any of them be the one?

This book could have done with some ruthless editing. It takes FOREVER for anything to happen, and there’s a fair few things that don’t add anything to the plot line. I don’t find Arjun’s business trip to be relevant, nor is his boss’ somewhat insensitive behaviour. Did I honestly care about how many choc chip scones he bought? No.

Is being beautiful a criteria when finding a new partner? Sure, if it’s an arranged marriage you hope they’re attractive, but it’s not a given! Arjun is also described in multiple places as being handsome. What about the rest of us? Considering that the theme of the book is that an arranged marriage can still work and possibly build a more solid love story than a spontaneous spark, the ending is quite disappointing.

Was going to a divorce party at a gay bar necessary? A secondary character can be useful, but honestly the poor guy seemed like just a way for Arjun to show some character growth. Don’t judge people based on what they look like…

Dude! What’s with wanting to be married? Isn’t a committed relationship sufficient? This isn’t 20 years ago where you couldn’t cohabitate and you couldn’t have kids. Yes, I get that culturally it might be a bit of a problem, but it doesn’t seem like Arjun has a problem with it personally (given we understand he’s had sex before, and otherwise he’s a hypocrite). Marriage isn’t forever anymore.

So, after all those complaints, I did finish the book. I vaguely hoped that Arjun would realise that it was super rude of him either way he chose and maybe spend some more time thinking about what he wanted. He needed to use his words a bit more! ASK her, don’t assume things. 3 stars from me.

Harbor Lane Books | 13th August 2024 | AU$24.99 | ebook

Review: Alison Cochrun – Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again
Alison Cochrun

The favourite teacher of two childhood friends turned enemies needs a death road trip. Joe forces Rosemary and Logan together to roadtrip the USA in the ‘Gay Mobile’ for one last ride before they go their separate ways.

Woah. The character development in this novel is exceptional. I’m actually ok with both of them acting like teenagers initially because there’s a lot of background to their behaviour. Logan goes from being an ass to being a bit less of an ass, and Rosemary goes from being tortured to being a little less tortured. Also, the final scenes of this novel almost made me cry. Joe buddy! I love you!

Some of the repeated descriptions didn’t do it for me though, “Her mouth puckered into a cat’s butthole” – um, no. Not attractive, at all. Also, what’s with all the swearing and weird names for things? I could do with a bit less swearing, particularly given I’m pretty sure high-school teachers can’t swear that much?

It’s Worth the Wait but with a roadtrip added! It’s so good to see these ‘mainstream’ publishers publishing queer novels! The variety is amazing. To all those complaining humans who say there’s too many queer/woke novels, remember that there are years and years of past publishing with cis-hetero protagonists. Just because something is new and hyped doesn’t mean you have to read it!

There are two main things (apart from the main narrative) that are emphasised in these novels: 1. the importance of therapy and 2. the flexibility and fluidity of sexuality labels. Now, why would those two things be so important? Well, in Australia, 74.5% of LGBTIQA*+ individuals had experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life compared with 41.7% of heterosexual people. There’s nothing wrong with having therapy regularly even if you are coping. There’s definitely a shortage of qualified psychologists though.

I get write what you know, but why does it seem like queer people in novels are artistic/creative types? In Alison’s novels we have teachers, authors, artists, film-makers, a (failed) ‘tech-bro’ and a baker who makes amazing creative pastries! My other favourite queer author, Karelia Stetz-Waters, there are a similar collection of creative types plus some accountants (that run art galleries) and marketting/business types (who have a specilised sound skill-set). I’m probably oversimplifying it, but can’t I have some romance with ‘boring’ professions? Let me know if I’m overlooking some.

Having now devoured all three of Alison Cochrun’s novels in the last week, everything by T. Kingfisher and the new Ali Hazelwood, I think I’m ready for something that isn’t a romance again. I don’t know what I feel like yet though!

Simon & Schuster | 3 July 2024 | AU$24.99 | paperback

Review: Colm Toibin – Brooklyn (A)

Colm Toibin

Eilis is content living in 1950s Ireland and expects to keep on living there for the rest of her life – until her charismatic sister Rose books her on a ship to America. She is sent away in search of better opportunities than home can offer post-war, and sure enough in NY, Eilis works in a shop and is studying bookkeeping. She remains desperately homesick though, until she meets Tony, an Italian golden retriever-esque plumber. But her family suffers
a tragedy, and on her return she is swept up in the life she could have lived back home. Eilis is torn between two promising, parallel versions of a life she will have to choose for herself.

I’ve loved the movie adaptation for years but somehow never thought to check if it was a book – until I heard there was a sequel being released. Brooklyn was super short – I finished it in two evenings – but pretty weighty. I was moved by the compassionate portrayal of so many ordinary people with unimportant lives, for whom the little things that happen are the big things that make up a life. Toibin wove a lot between the lines; even though these characters leave most things unsaid, you can feel the tug of desires and duty, motivations malicious or sacrificial, as an undercurrent to most interactions. Though it was written with a light hand – deft and funny, it felt real and complex.

I also sympathised with Eilis’ actions – some self-sabotage, some in avoidance or confusion. She tended to go along with everyone’s expectations whilst privately ignoring her own reservations until the last minute, then blowing everything up. There was also that warped sense of place in regard to travel: that feeling that you’re growing and changing when you’re travelling and everything seems so vivid and tangible you believe it of yourself, then the ease of returning home and slotting into your old self with the trip becoming like a dream.

I understand not much actually happened in this book, but maybe that’s why I loved it, and could recommend to others who enjoy character rather than plot driven novels. I am very curious to read the sequel now.


Review: Vi Keeland – The Invitation

The Invitation
Vi Keeland

Stella’s roommate bailed on her with a bounced check for the last two months rent, so Stella feels as if Evelyn owes her something… an invitation to a swanky wedding at the library?! Stella and her bestie crash the wedding, enjoy the food, and then Stella is caught out by the bride’s brother. Uh oh! Little does Stella know that this chance invitation could help her get her startup off the ground.

Many reviewers hated this book for the same reason I liked it! Thankfully, a lot of the text was dedicated to how the venture capitalists could support Stella’s Signature Scent start-up. There aren’t too many loooonnnngggg sex scenes that have them going at it like bunnies all night (and getting a blow by blow of the action). Does anyone read those $3X scenes and actually enjoy them? I’m also very over people saying ‘is it spicy?’ No, there’s no delicious cooking in this novel, just home-made mac’n’cheese.

Is there anything more stereotypical at the moment than the female male character having a gay male bestfriend? I feel like this trope is one of the top picks of the season (yes, I realise that it’s a 2021 book). There’s a bit of #enemiestolovers, but it’s not like you don’t already know how a romance is going to work out. I did like the slight twist, but again, I saw it coming from a while off and I knew that Stella and Hudson would make it up anyway.

This shouldn’t have been called ‘The Invitation’, it should have been titled Signature Scent! The business idea behind this book, which is for someone to answer questions and decide how much they like each of 10 scents to create their own scent, is brilliant. In fact, I could have sworn that I’d read a book on that premise before… anyway, I enjoy reading about chemistry and perfumes, and anything with at least a bit of science I can get excited about.

Given that other reviewers give this book a bad rap due to the lack of sex, I’m not going to be reading any more of this author’s novels. I’m giving this one a solid 3 stars – an enjoyable way to pass the day, but not really nailbiting or rereadable.

Review – Lauren Roberts – Powerless

Lauren Roberts

Paedyn Gray is not only a thief, she’s also an Ordinary. Having no gift is a fate punishable with death and banishment of any hiding her. Paedyn has been trained as a psychic to cover her Ordinary-ness but also has a dab hand at fighting. She usually tries to stay out of trouble but unwittingly saves one of the Princes and finds herself battling for her life in the Purging Trials…

Sooo, it’s kind of like Hunger Games but a little less predictable because it’s not always obvious who needs to be the survivor, and who is going to win. I enjoyed the various powers that Kai got to play with, and I think more could have been done with it. Also, as if you’d fall for the illusionist twice…

The romance scenes were completely cringe-worthy. I found myself skipping over them and hoping I wasn’t missing important story details. Of course, #enemiestolovers trope is a thing, but can’t we have a book or two that is just epic battles? My dissatisfaction with this type of thing is entirely the fault of Fourth Wing. At least there’s no sex?

I don’t think this book is remarkable enough for me to recommend to other readers, but it’s also not terrible. Maybe when you’ve read as many books as I have, it’s all too predictable? That sounds very full of myself, but I’ve read A LOT of books recently that I just haven’t reviewed. This could be a book for you if you enjoy #friendstolovers, #lovetriangle and #awkwardlove. Just don’t go looking for any deeper meaning.

Review: Abra Pressler – Love and Other Scores

Love and Other Scores
Abra Pressler

Noah’s just drifting from place to place in Melbourne – the best part about his life is his older adult housemate and the drag queen who drops in to visit him at his job. Gabriel is driven from country to country in pursuit of a Grand Slam tennis title – barely thinking about anything other than his sport. A chance meeting at a bar starts some heat between them – but what secrets are each of them hiding?

The blurb promised me twists and turns, but it really was exactly what I expected it to be (including Noah’s delay at various crucial points). I think it still counts as a ‘meet-cute’, and apart from the sex scenes (pretty tastefully written, nothing too racy) it doesn’t have that much new to offer. I did read it pretty quickly, just to see if it would turn out as expected. It did.

This book is good in that it presents monogamy, but not in a boring or ‘they settled for it’ way. I’ve read a LOT of books with sex happening all over the place, and it’s refreshing to have two men (rather than teenagers) interacting and not having it all about sex or teenage hormones. I also liked the individual charm that was included in the scenery, and I could see them sneaking (both huge men!!) through the backstreets of Melbourne.

I HATE TENNIS. I find it super boring, I don’t understand the rules and I can’t think anything too positive about a sport that regularly leaves people vomiting on the court from heat exhaustion. Oh, and don’t mention the huge amount of traffic the Australian Open causes in Melbourne. I associate tennis with hot summer nights and a lack of sleep.

If you are looking for an Australian novel with a gay sporting protagonist, this is it! It gave me echoes of Anything But Fine and Take a Bow, Noah Mitchell, but for an adult audience rather than a teenager one. I’m not excited by tennis, but this book was still a good solid read.

Pan Macmillan | 28 November 2023 | AU$26.99 | paperback

Review: Kim Lock – The Three of Us

The Three of Us
Kim Lock

Elsie isn’t quite satisfied with the life of a 1960s housewife – there’s only so many times she can wash the sheets and try to make food from her Women’s Weekly cookbook. Her husband Thomas keeps himself busy at work, and Elsie is lonely enough to approach the quiet stranger next door. Aida is unmarried and confined to her house for the next nine months, determined to keep to herself.

I really enjoyed this novel because it portrays life as a polyamory thruple that isn’t just about having mind-blowing and random sex all the time! Instead, it delicately probes what it looks like to be in a committed relationship with more than two people. I was plesently surprised by the whole book.

I dealt with the multiple perspectives quite well, even if I didn’t quite ever connect with Thomas. Thomas has two women – which is something that most men would say they wanted – but he’s a perfect gentleman about the whole thing. The framing of the novel is a little odd, and to my mind unecessary. It was quite clear to me what would happen, the only surprise was the, well, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise!

I had never read anything by Kim Lock, but maybe I should go and seek out a few more of her novels if they all have this beautiful relationship aspect. I was very impressed and surprised to find it from an Australian author. Although I used to hate Australian fiction for being dry and boring (like our weather!), newer authors are changing my mind. Amazing stuff.

Review: Danielle Paige – Wish of the Wicked

Wish of the Wicked
Danielle Paige

“For centuries, Farrow’s family—the Entente—have been magical advisors to the Queen. Until a new queen, Magrit, takes power, outlaws magic, and executes the entire Entente race. Only Farrow survives. Since that day, Farrow has dreamed of revenge. The best way to reach the evil queen is through her son, Prince Mather, who is nearing the age when he must select a bride. When a special ball in his honour is announced, Farrow sees her opportunity. All it will take is a young woman named Cinderella who dreams of true love. But the closer Farrow gets to the prince, the more she finds herself drawn to him.”

I thougth because this had a fairy godmother aspect it would just be like the Twisted Tales I kept seeing in the newest releases brochure – and therefore that it would be a standalone and I’d be free to read it and then move on. But nooo, it has to be the first in a series. I wondered why the first half of the book took so longer to get started – it was just setting the stage to painfully draw things out to a non-conclusion.

I’ve read Stealing Snow by this author a long time ago and I found it to be just ok. Wish of the Wicked isn’t even ok because it’s written clearly to be the start of a series. I polished this off in an evening of fevered reading because as I got towards the end  and saw the 480th page coming I thought that the ending would be swift and deadly. Nope.

I love the idea of being a wishing fairy rather than any of you standard transformation, lightning and food fairies. I also appreciated the ideas of the Fates – I thought their embodiment was pretty cool. But ugh! The ending just killed the rest of the boom for me. So disappointing.

I read this as a proof copy, and there were definitely some awkward turns of phrase and subpar dialogue that I assume will be solved in the final copy. Could I have loved this book? Yes, if it had been condensed and a standalone. I could tolerate Farrow, I thought the idea of body double companion was neat and I was ok with the queen just dying. Not neat enough for me to recommend that you read it. Sorry.

Bloomsbury | 7 November 2023 | AU$17.99 | paperback