Review: Juliet Marillier – The Bridei Chronicles 1 – The Dark Mirror

The Dark Mirror
Juliet Marillier
Bridei is being raised for great things, but he doesn’t know enough about them yet. When he rescues the foundling Tuala, he doesn’t know how this will change the course of his destiny.
The romance in this novel is very strong, and poignant – Marillier really gets it right. Some things you don’t see coming, and others you do, but all of them blend together beautifully.
I stayed up past my bedtime reading this novel – it was great, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I don’t know why I waited so long to read it!
The perspectives allow enough insight into each character that you feel like you know the important ones really personally. It would have been nice to have a bit more knowledge about the old druid, but you can’t fit everything into a book of this length.
The ending almost doesn’t feel like an ending. Bridei’s recovery and the events after this proceed at a very rapid rate, and while I was reading them I felt like I had missed something.
I made the mistake of reading this novel, then quickly picking up the next in the series before reviewing it. Oops! So this review is much shorter than what this wonderful book deserves.

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