Review: Sandeep Patel – A Potion

A Potion
Sandeep Patel
I worried that the English in this book, and the language would be poor, and it was.

I felt like much of the novel really had no plot. There were some marvellous descriptions, but also some boring tracts of repetitive dogma. There were many ways of life that were introduced, and I felt like I was being thrown literally around the universe with no real anchor or connection with each of the parts.

The author informed me that this book was based on a journey of enlightenment based on his religion, and I did see some signs of that. If I look at it primarily in that light, it is no better of worse than the Bible, if a little more accessible. Eastern religions often have more life, but in this case I felt like it dragged.
I received this book as a ebook after being requested by the author to read and review it. Unfortunately, it took me quite a long time to get into the book and I did not finish reading it. Not recommended.

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