Review: Nina LaCour – The Disenchantments

The Disenchantments
Nina LaCour

Colby is about to set off on a tour. Not as a band member though, just a devoted servant to his best friend who’s the singer in the band. He’s going to travel Europe, develop his drawing, and he thought he would have someone with him. What went wrong?

They meet various people along the way, and each one seems like they have a story, a background, something important to add. Even as at the same time you want to fit them into stereotypes, you just can’t. We don’t see much character development in my opinion for the 3 girls. Bev seems just as mean, and although we hear about the major events in their lives, and how they affected their person in the past, we don’t see that development in the future/present.

Sometimes it seems like the novel is just dragging along. Which is frustrating! I don’t remember having this problem with Hold Still. Ah well. Perhaps this one was just not as familiar in content to that amazing novel.

I loved the story behind the tattoo, and the weird world of coincidences. I did want Colby to become a graffiti artist, but hey, not everything can happen at once you know? A lot of the time I felt really angry with Bev. And I still felt angry even after her weak explanations. She should have just said something! Then Colby wouldn’t have been the one who suffered.

The cover of this novel is very much the way I would have imagined the girls. Except Bev. Colby is supposed to be able to see her neck to sketch it! The ending is just the way I would have hoped. Yay! Colby! Independence! Not having regrets! An excellent 4 star read.

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