Review: Casey Peeler – Southern Perfection

Southern Perfection
Casey Peeler

Sometimes I am a right royal idiot in choosing novels to review. This was one of them. While the synopsis sounded super good, in reality, the novel was not what I expected. Perhaps I should have looked at the genre first. Even with that in mind, I didn’t enjoy this novel. As I’m partaking in a reviewing release promo, I can’t leave a negative review. Instead, I’ll leave you to read the synopsis and give you the warning that’s it’s romance, and 3pm is just the time she goes home from school.

Life is full of choices: good, bad, and ones you can’t control.

Raegan strives to be perfect in every way. Varsity cheerleader, honor student, and proud granddaughter of Dover Lowery. By day, Raegan is an over-achieving high school student, but at three o’clock, her real work begins.

What happens when appearances are not what they seem? Will Raegan be able to hold on to her life as she knows it, or will she be left all alone?
All of these questions are answered with one night, one song, one story, and one boy.

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