Brandon Sanderson
David has overcome Steelheart but continues to track Epics – mainly because they seem intent on killing him. When a new threat is identified, David and Prof travel to the next nearest city. There, David needs to find himself again and redefine what he believes.
David! You’re such a nutter! And it makes me love you all the more that you’re so gullible and transparent, yet clever and quick-thinking at the same time. Ah, betrayal. Nothing like it. And it takes David’s wiliness he has developed through Epic hunting to deal with those that seem to be on his side.
Ah, Firefight! I love you! Please don’t die on me again, and again, and again. Especially with what David works out about weaknesses and their significance to all Epics… And how powers are gained too…
There was so much suspense near the end that it near killed me! All the things happening at once, everyone deceiving everyone else, people being discovered. Not to mention the great reveal of.. well, if I told you, it wouldn’t be much of a reveal. Get out there, buy this book.
Just like when I had finished reading the first novel in this trilogy, Steelheart, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days. My brain was left wondering with more questions than answers.
My one sadness is that the third book in this trilogy doesn’t come out until March 2016. Arg! I can’t wait! I’d love to get my hands on an ARC, but since his work is so popular, I wouldn’t be surprised if ARCs only went to ‘professional reviewers’. Now if only I had that job for a living…