Review: Alyssa Palombo – The Most Beautiful Woman in Florence

The Most Beautiful Woman in Florence
Alyssa Palombo

Simonetta is the most beautiful girl in Genoa, and the most beautiful woman in Florence. Drawn from her little hometown by a promised happy marriage, Simonetta looks forward to expanding her mind and enjoying the life of a true woman. But is all in Florence as it seems? What does the artist Botticelli have in mind for her?

I thoroughly enjoyed the Violinist of Venice, and I was very excited to see this novel from the same author come in the mail. Palombo did not disappoint, offering up another historical novel that carefully wove rare facts of history with a well written lyrical story. I could see Simonetta posing for Botticelli’s famous works and her steadfast gaze as she withheld her desires.

This was a sweet romance that was a easy and enjoyable holiday read. It didn’t require my jetlagged brain to do anything much and the pace was very slow and steady. Normally this would irritate me but I didn’t want something that I couldn’t put down. The rhythmic flow of the prose and Simonetta’s own grace made it easy to drop in and out.

I actually hope that perhaps the author will write of Michelangelo, but that would possibly overlap with this novel because the two artists shared a patron. 4 stars to this one, and it will follow me on my 15 hour flight home.

Pan Macmillan | 26th April 2017 | AU$29.99 |paperback

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