Rise of the Seven
Melissa Wright
Welcome to Reading Addiction Blog Tour’s stop for ‘Rise of the Seven’. This is actually the last post in a series of four reviews of this series.
The official blurb:
My review:
The style of this novel was much improved from the first two novels in the trilogy. The action was a lot more balanced, with things happening throughout ramping up to a quite satisfactory conclusion.
I could have sworn this was a trilogy, but the way this one reads is that it could be the start of something new (ie. an epilogue would have been useful) or else it would have done a good job of being a standalone (with a bit more at the beginning).
Something I loved about each of the novels were the covers. Really visually appealing, made me want to read it. Never-mind that Frey doesn’t wear those dresses from what I could tell.
The stand out episode in this book was the dining room and Frey’s display. Yep, awesome, wish I was there!
Again, I’d recommend this for teens, possibly of all ages, as although there’s some blood flying and various other gory parts, I don’t think they were romanticised.
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