Review: Katie Gallagher – Catching You

Catching You

Katie Gallagher

Welcome to Reading Addiction Online Book Tours’ stop for ‘Catching You’.

Lauren should be enjoying her holidays before starting university. Instead she’s in hospital after having a car accident.

The official blurb:

This was supposed to be the best summer of Lauren’s life. It turns out to be the worst.
After Lauren wakes up in the hospital and learns that her boyfriend Ryan has died, her life slowly begins to unravel. She soon begins receiving mysterious text messages that make her wonder if his death was even an accident like everyone is saying. She finds herself leaning on Nick, her boyfriend’s best friend, for support. He tells her tidbits about Ryan’s life that make her wonder if she even knew her own boyfriend at all. Now, she’s even more determined to learn the truth about Ryan’s death and she wonders who she’s able to trust. She starts confiding in her best friend, Bryn, until she remembers something about the accident that makes her wonder if she’s trusted the wrong person the entire time. She’s determined to get justice for Ryan, but can she do it without losing her best friends?

16136789My review:

I couldn’t include my review for this novel, so please find instead a Guest Post.

You can purchase Catching You from Amazon (an affiliate link).

The Rejection Blues (guest post)

There is only one way to put this; rejection sucks! When you ask the captain of the football team out on a date and he says no, you end up doing one of two things; calling up your best friend and asking her if she wants to help you egg his house or two; you stock up on all the Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream you can and have a pity party. But, in the end you get over it. You realize that there are other fish in the sea and begin dating your lab partner.
It’s the same thing with writing. You spend months, maybe even years writing a manuscript that you think is really good, so you decide to send it off the agents in hopes that someone will believe that it’s as good as you think it is and sign you. But, it’s not always that simple. It’s very rare that the first agent that you send your manuscript off to will want it.
I wrote my first novel in 07’ and after revising a bit, I sent it off to a few agents. It got rejected. Although, most of them were nice about it at least, saying things like” I didn’t feel the character of  Bob, but maybe another publisher will” or “It’s got potential, but it’s just not for me.” Sometimes, I’d get a full request to never hear from the agent again. I wallowed, whined and said that I was never going to write again. That didn’t last long though.
I wrote another novel and sent it off again. This time I didn’t even get a form rejection. I didn’t get one response, but I wasn’t going to give up. I just thought maybe it wasn’t the novel for me, so I decided to take a break. I spent time with my husband, read books I wanted to catch up on, and didn’t think about the novel for another year or so.
Finally, when I began to feel the pull of writing again, I pulled up the file on my computer and read it over. It wasn’t too bad, but I could tell that it needed work. I sent it off my critique partner  and she sent it back with some pointers. I began editing it like crazy.
After four years, approximately twelve rejections, and eight revisions it was finally accepted for publication. So, how do you deal with the rejection blues? Don’t give up. Set it as
ide and go have a life. Spend time with your family, watch a movie, or read a good book. Your novel will still be there when you’re ready to look at it with a fresh eye. 

About the Author

Katie Gallagher lives in Pennsylvania where she spends her time writing young adult fiction, and avoiding housework at any cost. She loves coffee, watching reality TV, and flip flops. She lives with her husband, who graciously tolerates her inability to resist teenage drama on TV and her complete lack of cooking skills, and two very spoiled cats.

Contact the Author

Twitter – @Katie_Gallgher

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