Review: Peter V. Brett – The Daylight War

The Daylight War
Peter V. Brett
Arlen Bales is no Deliverer. Well, not according to him anyway, since everyone else seems to think so. Jardir on the other hand believes he is – but doesn’t seem to be making many steps in the right direction. Told from their women’s perspectives for the most part, this novel is an interesting and involved read that isn’t too daunting for the beginning fantasy reader.
 I was glad of the prologue, and felt that it set up Inevera’s parts of the novel nicely. The storyweaving was strangely compelling, and really drew me into the novel. I also really enjoyed the initial parts told from Renna’s perspective, and the learning that Arlen imparted to her. I felt that there could have been more of this learning, and that it would have grounded new readers a little better in the world.
I haven’t read the first and second books in this series, and wonder whether I would have felt more compulsion in the plot if I had. As it was, it wasn’t clear for quite some time what the aim of Arlen and Jardir was, what they were fighting against. The first two books are on my to-read list now for sure, and I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next books in the series.
From the perspectives of the two women, Renna and Inevera, I couldn’t decide who I liked more. Renna felt more honest, but Inevera was really crafty and interesting in her own way. Throw in Leesha Paper, and the three women tear things apart! I wouldn’t have said the novel was about the men at all – it is the women who have power. Of the two main men though, I definitely preferred Arlen over Jardir. Jardir was just so… calculating and snooty. Arlen seems much more down to earth and likeable, even if he does sometimes have some weird moments.
I was particularly glad of the role of music in this novel. Rojer and his friends are able to craft demon stopping music, which I found fascinating. The uses of demon bone, and the Greatwards were unique to the world building as well. I did wonder why more people didn’t think to eat demon flesh though, if it would grant such great powers. Particularly to that huge dog!
There were so many minor plots to keep my interest which was great. The major plot of the Waning Moon and the coming major war against the demons was so slow that it was a good thing there were lots of other things to concentrate on.
Don’t be put off by the size of this novel. It’s really quite an accessible novel, and as I’ve said, the changing perspectives are crucial for keeping your interest in the novel going.
I received this novel as part of The Book Depository’s new affiliate reviewing program. I’m really chuffed I was chosen to participate, and I hope to see new books out soon for me to love and review.

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