Review: Mercedes Lackey – By the Sword

By the Sword
Mercedes Lackey
Kerowyn’s Ride. Should say it all, right? Left the only able bodied person after an attack on her family, Kerowyn must avenge it. Little does she know that she’s going to be changed forever.

Kerowyn will attach herself to your heart as a strong female hero right from the word go. She’s convincing, consistent, everything I could want in one of Lackey’s characters.

There’s not much in the way of consistent secondary character, the focus is mainly on Kero. That being said, Daren creates a good counter for a little while in the first book. Then there’s the man Kero meets while she’s lost. All to the good!
The book being separated into various sections of years is great. It means no time is wasted on pointless stuff, and it makes the book more action packed. The only frustrating thing is that there could have been more about Valdemar.
I’ve been reading these completely out of order, so I’m getting a bit confused as to who should in the in stories or not. Elspeth appears in this one, but her level of maturity had me a bit wonky for a bit.

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