Review: Mercedes Lackey – Arrows of the Queen

Arrows of the Queen
Mercedes Lackey
Talia has been freshly Chosen, but she doesn’t understand what that means. Thrown into the dangerous world of the court of Queen Selenay, she must find her feet quickly or drown in the doing so.
Talia is one of the strong female heroines that makes Lackey’s writing so powerful for me. Her shaky beginnings only make her better in my eyes, and her love of music is a minor note that makes me happy too.
It amazes me every time the skill with which this first novel in Valdemar was written. There’s bits that tie in with the other novels she has written in the series, and also tight links into the other books in the series.
Amazingly, some parts of the book made me want to cry! I’ve reread it a bunch of times, and it always surprises me the way it pulls my heartstrings.
It’s nice to see a stable lesbian relationship portrayed in a positive light, and that gives the book some additional thumbs up from me.

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1 thought on “Review: Mercedes Lackey – Arrows of the Queen

  1. Pingback: Review: Mercedes Lackey – Mage Storms Trilogy | The Cosy Dragon

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