First Test
Tamora Pierce
Keladry is the first girl after Alanna the Lioness to apply to become a Page under King Jonathan of Tortall. Unfortunately for her, she has to first undergo a harrowing test year, in which her resolve is tested and her mettle tried.
As one of the reviewers quoted on the back of the novel says, it’s filled with a plucky heroine, complete with animals, monsters, school and a hint of magic. For me, it’s the school and animals that does it. The whole book ticks all of the boxes that I look for when selecting a good enjoyable novel to relax with.
I’ve read this novel multiple times, and no doubt will continue to do so in the future. Kel shows a trait of caring for others so strongly that it is impossible not to like her. Just enough action that it’s satisfying, just enough schooling and real life problems to keep it flowing naturally.
I’m not sure why she is pictured holding a cat on the cover. She does rescue some kittens, but she doesn’t really do much with them. Not like her lovely Diane influenced birds.
I would strongly suggest this novel for any young woman (I doubt it would appeal to boys, although I could be surprised) who wants to be a bit different from the mould. Certainly times have changed now, and people don’t do such medieval fighting, but it’s still an uncommon thing for woman to be included as equal partners in the military. But I digress…
Now for a problem I see with the novel (and the series).
I think it’s disappointing in a way that Kel is already somewhat weapons trained. I wanted a raw newby girl to train to become a knight. But I guess that is unrealistic – if they didn’t show aptitude from an early age, it’s unlikely they would want to go for such a career goal.
Overall though, it’s got that flavour that has me coming back for more every time. I used to reread it at least once a year, but I now have so many favourite books that I just can’t do it! And I have so many exciting review books too, which I didn’t have before.
So on that note…
I think I’m going to stop wasting time on including affiliate links to novels. I’m pretty sure you readers are intelligent enough to find the novels that you want in your own way. I haven’t had a single reader click on a link for the whole time I have been blogging. For this reason, I will no longer provide those links. It takes me time to do those, time that I could be spending reading or keeping my other paperwork up to date. Any opinions?
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