Review: Nicole Skuba – Another Kind of Free

Another Kind of Free
Nicole Skuba

This novel is hardly a novel. It’s more of a short, reflective piece of non-fiction. It was released in response to Robin William’s suicide earlier in 2014. The author talks about her journey through Bipolar Disorder, and the peace that she eventually found within herself.
For me, it’s difficult to review. The writing style is ok, but it’s not the best I’ve ever read. I often felt like I should have been identifying with the main ‘character’ more, but instead I was thinking about what could happen next.
A key thing to take out of this is that you’re responsible for your own heath. Although, whoever put a bipolar person on purely Prozac was asking for a manic period. What the author finds is that she can keep her promises, and that self-reflection is key into managing her disorder. It’s not going to work for everyone, and I think you need to be towards that side of thinking about things before this novel will open doors for you. It might open a couple of windows however.
The only reason this PDF novel got read was because it was short, relatively painless to read, and it was sitting on my Desktop when I felt like I needed a short read. It’s not available as a paperback, and even if one is produced, I would strongly advise against purchasing it.

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