Review: Jesse Andrews – The Haters

The Haters
Jesse Andrews

A band isn’t a band without a road trip. Coerced into going to Jazz camp, Wes and Corey expect that nothing exciting will happen. Enter a fly-away sexy girl and you end up with a humourous mess that will carry you away for a while.

Acr297196509774415983This novel is filled with ‘F-bombs’, sex and a rather disgusting sense of humour. But that being said, I laughed out loud at some of the dialogue, and although I’d never purchase it on my own, I think it’s a good read to borrow from a friend.

This novel is irreverence to a T. If something can go wrong, it does. It’s hard to believe how much mayhem a trip can cause. I just can’t believe how much they get away with! Who sells their mother’s car and buys a bomb (not of the F variety either)?

Look, I came out the other side of this novel wondering what had happened. For a road trip book, I don’t think the characters actually learnt very much about themselves or life, despite what the blurb proclaimed. In fact, it seemed like they just continued to get into trouble! If you’re looking for a teenage novel that has the same quality of laughs, please go for The Way We Roll.

Jump for this novel for a quick laugh, just don’t expect anything more serious. I’d go for this one over ‘Me and Earl and the Dying Girl’ by the same author any day. I barely tolerated that one (review to come), and The Haters at least gave me laughs.


1 thought on “Review: Jesse Andrews – The Haters

  1. Pingback: Review: Jesse Andrews – Munmun | The Cosy Dragon

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