Break Through
Marina Go
Marina started out as editor of Dolly at age 23. From then on, she worked her way up the ranks of editor of various magazines to the Chair of boards that she is on today. This is a snapshot of the stages of her journey there, and her advice to other young women who want to be major players in the working world.
As always, I preferred the personal stories rather than the advice given in this novel. I think if you are going for a more ‘traditional’ career (not a university and teaching focussed career like mine) this novel is going to be perfect for you. I’d choose it as a gift for someone just starting out at their first job.
This is in line with inspiring next generation leaders – even if it is aimed at young women, young men might appreciate it (if they have open minds) in order to realise what it is like is a still male dominated business ‘the old boys’ club’. I can think of many cases where this novel will be something that someone needs, without even knowing they need it.
If I got anything about having a career about this novel it was to not be afraid, stand up for yourself, and be driven! Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you should stand for anything less, and that you should prove yourself better than a man. Go on and ‘smash those stereotypes’!
I didn’t have any strong feelings either way after completing this novel. I had intended to read a chapter each night, and try and think about the contents of each, but I didn’t manage that. I did one night of 2 chapters, then the next day I binge read the rest. I’m not sure exactly what that means about quality!