Review: Victoria Simcox – The Black Shard (review and giveaway)

The Black Shard
Victoria Simcox
I originally read and reviewed The Magic Warble, the first book in this series, and said it reminded me of Enid Blyton’s ‘The Faraway Tree’. This novel is listed as a ‘middle-grade’ read, ages 9-13. It has 1-2 images every chapter.

Kristina is getting older, but she still remembers the fun times she had in her fantasy land Bernovem. Even as she writes about them in her journal, and others who went with her tell her she is stupid, she still perseveres with her memories.

The language of this novel could have done with a little more polishing for my liking. Certain things such as “Davina and Hester bonded together like lint on sticky glue.” made me giggle, but others just seemed as if the book hadn’t had enough editing.
The beginning of the novel was quite slow, but things quickly heated up. I found some elements to be similar to Lord of the Rings, which can only be a good thing! Introducing younger readers to fantasy early is always good.
Once again, the plot points are quite transparent to me, but it wouldn’t be as obvious to younger readers. I’m glad I read this novel – seeing Kristina and Werrien develop is wonderful. I hoped for more development from the antagonists, but it wasn’t quite there for me…
I received a free copy of this book after I previously reviewed The Magic Warble, and then offered to do a review and another giveaway for the author. This has in no way influenced the review I have given.

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