Review: Richard Roxburgh – Artie and the Grime Wave

Artie and the Grime Wave
Richard Roxburgh

Artie is always being bullied, along with his rather unfortunately-named pal, Bumshoe. While a shout of ‘Rabbits’ often distracts his dumb tormentors, this time it seems like Artie has gotten into more trouble than he can cope with. With Mary, Funnel-Web and Budgie on his tail, he needs to make things happen… fast.

31927285In the tradition of ‘The Day My Bum Went Psycho’ and ‘The Adventures of Captain Underpants’, this novel contains bums, snot and disgusting boys! If you have a reader that is into that kind of thing, they are going to love this novel.

The action is fast-paced, and the characters such strong caricatures that they will leave some sort of impression in your mind. If you have a weak stomach, and aren’t fond of snot or poop, this probably won’t be for you. There’s bodily fluids flying everywhere!

Honestly, it’s not my kind of novel at all, I didn’t request it to my knowledge. I wouldn’t have read this when I was younger, and the only reason I read this was because I knew my brain would be dead and incapable of digesting good literature after a hard day at work.

Let’s give it 3 stars, and know that there is a deserving audience out there that will enjoy this novel.


Allen & Unwin | 12th September 2016| AU $16.99 | Paperback

4 thoughts on “Review: Richard Roxburgh – Artie and the Grime Wave

      • YES! That would be awesome! You’d be surprised how many books I want that I just can’t seem to get because they’re Australian and aren’t on the market here or cost twice as much to purchase via Amazon for us here because of licensing. Has that happened to you with things that are published in orth America not always being available to you folks?

        • I spend very little time actually purchasing novels these days, but importing from the US isn’t that bad. I mainly use Book Depository (I know it’s run by Amazon), because half the time it is the shipping cost that is the killer. I know that I sometimes get titles from Australian Publishers that have been out for ages in the US before they are actually available in-store here.

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