Quick Reviews of Non-Fiction Business Books #5 (S)

Win Or Die: Lessons for Life from Game of Thrones – Bruce Craven

I might have rated this book a bit harshly, because it just wasn’t for me. I haven’t read Game of Thrones so I didn’t get much out of it. A lot of the book makes reference and fully analyzes Game of Thrones. I don’t recommend reading this book if you haven’t read Game of Thrones. There are some leadership ideas, however, nothing new. There is very little leadership theory, and a lot of explaining via Game of Thrones. While the author aims to draw parallels between the challenges faced by the characters in Westeros and real-world leadership scenarios, the book seems to cater primarily to fans of the series. Without prior understanding of the characters and their arcs, the lessons feel abstract and disconnected.

For those who are avid followers of Game of Thrones, this book might provide an enjoyable and thought-provoking read. 2 stars.

Finding My Virginity: The New Autobiography – Richard Branson

I found this hard to review. The book itself is ok and not that badly written. It’s obviously an autobiography so it’s told as the story of his life. The stories don’t drag on, they get to the point at least. The part I don’t like is Richard Branson himself, and his life story. He is not someone I would be friends with. I have not read his first autobiography and wasn’t even keen to read this book. I didn’t know much about Richard before reading it, but after reading this book it confirmed everything I already knew.

Richard Branson considers himself a legend. He views himself as The Most Interesting Man in the World. I hoped to learn a little about running companies. But really he does none of this. Instead readers are subjected 450+ pages of egomania. It’s all about what he does in his everyday life which is off on dare deviling adventures that he brags about. Including his complete list in the appendix of “75 close shaves with death”. Most of which are doing dumb idiotic situations he puts himself into. Besides always almost dying, the rest of it is his views on politics, bragging, any time he did anything “cool”, and out right just being rich. I don’t even think he runs any companies?! Not in the day to day sense anyway.

There is no advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. It is just Branson telling the world, over and over again, how much fun it is to be Branson. I thought he was a wanker before, and now reading this, it confirms it. 2 stars.

Quick Reviews of Non-Fiction Business Books #4 (S)

The Excellence Dividend – Tom Peters

The author’s points and principles are correct. I do agree with them. But the writing style is horrible! It’s poorly constructed and has a disjointed writing style. I picked up this book agreeing with the title and the concept. I hoped to come away from it motivated and inspired. But I struggled to even finish it, and was even skimming parts!

I don’t mind the quotes. I do like some quotes, but when they have no context and heaps of them, what’s the point? It was also written a lot in bold and caps which irritated me. And let’s talk about the length! This book is a heavyweight, but what did I get out of it? Not much. It did re-confirm the things I know and believe in. But it didn’t have anything new and interesting, and definitely not inspiring. Overall, I’m disappointed. Those seeking a more impactful and engaging exploration of similar themes are advised to explore alternative titles that better deliver on the promise of motivation, inspiration, and fresh insights. 2 stars.

How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job – Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

I am a supporter of feminism, particularly in the realms of careers and in the workplace. I appreciated that this book acknowledged the existing disparities in these areas and aimed to tackle them. However, while I fully embrace feminist principles, I found this book to be overwhelmingly focused on feminism to the point of excess. While I acknowledge some valid points made by the authors, the book often resorts to comparing males and females and implies that women must conform to societal expectations rather than advocating for societal change. It feels patronizing and relies heavily on broad stereotypes.

The book repeatedly suggests that women must adapt to fit into traditional leadership roles rather than challenging societal perceptions of success or women’s roles. Also the portrayal of the corporate world as a rigid hierarchy with only upward mobility options doesn’t resonate with my experiences. I disagree with the book’s insistence that women must emulate men to succeed in this environment. The writing style, with constant references to the authors and their previous works is off-putting. While I grasped the authors’ points, they were poorly articulated and lacked clarity. The book also took too long to delve into its content, and while some anecdotes were relatable, others felt contrived. Ultimately, the book perpetuates the notion that women can only advance by conforming to male standards, which I find condescending and patronizing. I rate it 2 stars.

Review: Alison Cochrun – The Charm Offensive

The Charm Offensive
Alison Cochrun

Dev Deshpande believes in fairy tales and crafts them on a reality dating show. His own love life is a bit of a nightmare, but he can prepare his contestants for a happily ever after like no one else. His latest Prince Charming is a bit of a problem though – Charlie Winshaw doesn’t believe in true love, doesn’t want to love and is on the show to prove he’s normal. What does the happy ending look like for Dev and Charlie?

Charlie, you’re completely oblivious, and I love it! However, I really think you overestimated your chances of surviving on reality TV. Have you ever seen any of it? Are people really that oblivious? Dev, buddy, you weren’t doing yourself any favours either, and sometimes you really were a bit of an ass, even if you apologised for it later.

How on earth did Dev’s parents keep that a secret? Why didn’t they tell him? Yes, relationships should not fill holes in your soul. But, nothing wrong with having another human to share your life with. The depiction of mental illness was quite sensitive and it was nice to have something in adults (not young adults). Some aspects didn’t quite sit right for me, but I was willing to let it pass.

I’m not sure I really get the title of this novel, but ok! Maybe because Prince Charming is a thing? But why is it offensive? Is it offensive as in it smells, or that people are battling things out? Maybe the latter. I’m also not sure why I jumped into reading this novel, except that I find it hard to resist a gay love story with sufficient queer and diverse supporting characters! A novel set on a TV show where the contestants are supposed to find ‘true love’ in 3 months isn’t new (see Here for the right reasons and Can I steal you for a second).

I’m not going to reread this novel in the same way I do Helen Hoang’s romances, but I give it bonus points for addressing the importance of therapy. Having read several Alison Cochrun novels in a row, it’s getting a bit same-old, but that’s a me problem. 4 stars from me.

Review: Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick – Make My Wish Come True

Make My Wish Come True
Rachael Lippincott & Alyson Derrick

Arden James left her small town to make it big in LA – leaving everything and everyone behind without a goodbye. Caroline Beckett was one of those left behind without an explanation and she’s done her best to move on with life and support Arden’s family as best she can. When Arden rocks back into town with the request for fake-dating 12 times, Caroline can’t say no.

She Gets the Girl was very good and I therefore jumped at the chance of an ARC of this novel. Unfortunately, Make My Wish Come True was a letdown. It was very predictable and also similar in nature to Finding my Elf. As a probably demisexual, I can’t imagine holding onto the idea of loving someone for four years when they’ve left you. Caroline is finally moving on for someone else, and Arden just waltzes back in and expects her to jump. And she does!

How many teenagers really relate to a popstar/celebrity relocation to LA? I can tell you that today’s teenagers (that I know) couldn’t care less, because tiktok and other social media has made it possible to be famous without moving. On the other hand, Caroline’s dreams of journalism are achievable, if a bit typical of teenage novels. I think that young lesbians could still love this novel, particularly if they like seasonal reading (and snow).

I think I’m allowed to be picky with the #queer novels that come across my path now because there are so many great ones out there! I don’t love Christmas either. That being said, I did recently read another ARC of a Christmas novel (barista/artist/fake-engagement) that I did enjoy. So it’s not just that. 3 stars for this novel from me for a protagonist who seems to be missing a backbone and a storyline that’s a little too predictable.

Simon & Schuster | 2nd October 2024 | AU$22.99 | ebook (ARC)

Review: Sonali Mishra – The Arrangement

The Arrangement
Sonali Mishra

Arjun is 30, single and feeling the pressure to get married, buy a house and have 2.5 kids. He’s resisted an arranged marriage so far, but with his best friends getting hitched soon he’s feeling pretty lonely. Even a spark with a green-eyed local Indian girl isn’t enough to get him engaged. Arjun finally agrees for his mother to arrange a marriage – but will any of them be the one?

This book could have done with some ruthless editing. It takes FOREVER for anything to happen, and there’s a fair few things that don’t add anything to the plot line. I don’t find Arjun’s business trip to be relevant, nor is his boss’ somewhat insensitive behaviour. Did I honestly care about how many choc chip scones he bought? No.

Is being beautiful a criteria when finding a new partner? Sure, if it’s an arranged marriage you hope they’re attractive, but it’s not a given! Arjun is also described in multiple places as being handsome. What about the rest of us? Considering that the theme of the book is that an arranged marriage can still work and possibly build a more solid love story than a spontaneous spark, the ending is quite disappointing.

Was going to a divorce party at a gay bar necessary? A secondary character can be useful, but honestly the poor guy seemed like just a way for Arjun to show some character growth. Don’t judge people based on what they look like…

Dude! What’s with wanting to be married? Isn’t a committed relationship sufficient? This isn’t 20 years ago where you couldn’t cohabitate and you couldn’t have kids. Yes, I get that culturally it might be a bit of a problem, but it doesn’t seem like Arjun has a problem with it personally (given we understand he’s had sex before, and otherwise he’s a hypocrite). Marriage isn’t forever anymore.

So, after all those complaints, I did finish the book. I vaguely hoped that Arjun would realise that it was super rude of him either way he chose and maybe spend some more time thinking about what he wanted. He needed to use his words a bit more! ASK her, don’t assume things. 3 stars from me.

Harbor Lane Books | 13th August 2024 | AU$24.99 | ebook

Review: Alison Cochrun – Here We Go Again

Here We Go Again
Alison Cochrun

The favourite teacher of two childhood friends turned enemies needs a death road trip. Joe forces Rosemary and Logan together to roadtrip the USA in the ‘Gay Mobile’ for one last ride before they go their separate ways.

Woah. The character development in this novel is exceptional. I’m actually ok with both of them acting like teenagers initially because there’s a lot of background to their behaviour. Logan goes from being an ass to being a bit less of an ass, and Rosemary goes from being tortured to being a little less tortured. Also, the final scenes of this novel almost made me cry. Joe buddy! I love you!

Some of the repeated descriptions didn’t do it for me though, “Her mouth puckered into a cat’s butthole” – um, no. Not attractive, at all. Also, what’s with all the swearing and weird names for things? I could do with a bit less swearing, particularly given I’m pretty sure high-school teachers can’t swear that much?

It’s Worth the Wait but with a roadtrip added! It’s so good to see these ‘mainstream’ publishers publishing queer novels! The variety is amazing. To all those complaining humans who say there’s too many queer/woke novels, remember that there are years and years of past publishing with cis-hetero protagonists. Just because something is new and hyped doesn’t mean you have to read it!

There are two main things (apart from the main narrative) that are emphasised in these novels: 1. the importance of therapy and 2. the flexibility and fluidity of sexuality labels. Now, why would those two things be so important? Well, in Australia, 74.5% of LGBTIQA*+ individuals had experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life compared with 41.7% of heterosexual people. There’s nothing wrong with having therapy regularly even if you are coping. There’s definitely a shortage of qualified psychologists though.

I get write what you know, but why does it seem like queer people in novels are artistic/creative types? In Alison’s novels we have teachers, authors, artists, film-makers, a (failed) ‘tech-bro’ and a baker who makes amazing creative pastries! My other favourite queer author, Karelia Stetz-Waters, there are a similar collection of creative types plus some accountants (that run art galleries) and marketting/business types (who have a specilised sound skill-set). I’m probably oversimplifying it, but can’t I have some romance with ‘boring’ professions? Let me know if I’m overlooking some.

Having now devoured all three of Alison Cochrun’s novels in the last week, everything by T. Kingfisher and the new Ali Hazelwood, I think I’m ready for something that isn’t a romance again. I don’t know what I feel like yet though!

Simon & Schuster | 3 July 2024 | AU$24.99 | paperback

Review: Vi Keeland – The Invitation

The Invitation
Vi Keeland

Stella’s roommate bailed on her with a bounced check for the last two months rent, so Stella feels as if Evelyn owes her something… an invitation to a swanky wedding at the library?! Stella and her bestie crash the wedding, enjoy the food, and then Stella is caught out by the bride’s brother. Uh oh! Little does Stella know that this chance invitation could help her get her startup off the ground.

Many reviewers hated this book for the same reason I liked it! Thankfully, a lot of the text was dedicated to how the venture capitalists could support Stella’s Signature Scent start-up. There aren’t too many loooonnnngggg sex scenes that have them going at it like bunnies all night (and getting a blow by blow of the action). Does anyone read those $3X scenes and actually enjoy them? I’m also very over people saying ‘is it spicy?’ No, there’s no delicious cooking in this novel, just home-made mac’n’cheese.

Is there anything more stereotypical at the moment than the female male character having a gay male bestfriend? I feel like this trope is one of the top picks of the season (yes, I realise that it’s a 2021 book). There’s a bit of #enemiestolovers, but it’s not like you don’t already know how a romance is going to work out. I did like the slight twist, but again, I saw it coming from a while off and I knew that Stella and Hudson would make it up anyway.

This shouldn’t have been called ‘The Invitation’, it should have been titled Signature Scent! The business idea behind this book, which is for someone to answer questions and decide how much they like each of 10 scents to create their own scent, is brilliant. In fact, I could have sworn that I’d read a book on that premise before… anyway, I enjoy reading about chemistry and perfumes, and anything with at least a bit of science I can get excited about.

Given that other reviewers give this book a bad rap due to the lack of sex, I’m not going to be reading any more of this author’s novels. I’m giving this one a solid 3 stars – an enjoyable way to pass the day, but not really nailbiting or rereadable.

Review: Josh Kaufman – The Personal MBA (S)

The Personal MBA
A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume
Josh Kaufman

“Getting an MBA is an expensive choice-one almost impossible to justify regardless of the state of the economy. Even the elite schools like Harvard and Wharton offer outdated, assembly-line programs that teach you more about PowerPoint presentations and unnecessary financial models than what it takes to run a real business. You can get better results (and save hundreds of thousands of dollars) by skipping B-school altogether. Josh Kaufman founded PersonalMBA.com as an alternative to the business school boondoggle. His blog has introduced hundreds of thousands of readers to the best business books and most powerful business concepts of all time.”

This book lives up to its title by effectively condensing an MBA into a single volume. It provides a concise overview of many essential business topics. While it doesn’t delve deeply into each subject, it serves as an excellent starting point if you want to read just one business book on MBA concepts. This book is a valuable guide for beginners and equips you with the necessary information and tools to further your business education.

It’s also a great reference for future use by helping you refresh your memory and pointing you towards resources for more detailed information. It offers a high-level summary of many important topics in both business and personal development.

Did Kaufman convince me I don’t need an MBA? I was already skeptical about getting one before reading the book, so it reinforced my existing opinion. This book helps you understand not only how businesses operate but also how people work, and it offers insights into increasing your productivity.

“The Personal MBA” is the perfect read for anyone starting in business that is too busy to dedicate hours at a time to reading.

Review – Lauren Roberts – Powerless

Lauren Roberts

Paedyn Gray is not only a thief, she’s also an Ordinary. Having no gift is a fate punishable with death and banishment of any hiding her. Paedyn has been trained as a psychic to cover her Ordinary-ness but also has a dab hand at fighting. She usually tries to stay out of trouble but unwittingly saves one of the Princes and finds herself battling for her life in the Purging Trials…

Sooo, it’s kind of like Hunger Games but a little less predictable because it’s not always obvious who needs to be the survivor, and who is going to win. I enjoyed the various powers that Kai got to play with, and I think more could have been done with it. Also, as if you’d fall for the illusionist twice…

The romance scenes were completely cringe-worthy. I found myself skipping over them and hoping I wasn’t missing important story details. Of course, #enemiestolovers trope is a thing, but can’t we have a book or two that is just epic battles? My dissatisfaction with this type of thing is entirely the fault of Fourth Wing. At least there’s no sex?

I don’t think this book is remarkable enough for me to recommend to other readers, but it’s also not terrible. Maybe when you’ve read as many books as I have, it’s all too predictable? That sounds very full of myself, but I’ve read A LOT of books recently that I just haven’t reviewed. This could be a book for you if you enjoy #friendstolovers, #lovetriangle and #awkwardlove. Just don’t go looking for any deeper meaning.

Review: Frank Figliuzzi – The FBI Way (S)

The FBI Way
Inside the Bureau’s Code of Excellence
Frank Figliuzzi

“The FBI’s former head of counterintelligence reveals the Bureau’s field-tested playbook for unlocking individual and organizational excellence, illustrated through dramatic stories from his own storied career. Frank Figliuzzi was the “Keeper of the Code,” appointed the FBI’s Chief Inspector by then-Director Robert Mueller. Charged with overseeing sensitive internal inquiries, shooting reviews, and performance audits, he ensured each employee met the Bureau’s exacting standards of performance, integrity, and conduct. Now, drawing on his distinguished career, Figliuzzi reveals how the Bureau achieves its extraordinary standard of excellence—from the training of new recruits in “The FBI Way” to the Bureau’s rigorous maintenance of its standards up and down the organization. Unafraid to identify FBI execs who erred, he cites them as the exceptions that prove the rule.”

This book offers an insightful look into the inner workings of the FBI, narrated through the lens of an experienced agent. It demonstrates how the following principles are fundamental not only to FBI operations but also to broader applications in business and personal life. The author delves into the Bureau’s adherence to the seven C’s:

  • Code
  • Conservancy
  • Clarity
  • Consequences
  • Compassion
  • Credibility
  • Consistency

Despite initially questioning its relevance to my interests, I found the book to be a compelling exploration of leadership and ethical conduct within a high-stakes environment. Through storytelling and practical examples the author provides readers with a deeper understanding of the FBI’s culture of excellence.

The book prompts reflection on individual and organizational ethics, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their moral compass or improve their company’s framework.

In a world where integrity is paramount, the author’s work serves as a beacon of inspiration, offering practical insights for navigating complex ethical dilemmas. I wholeheartedly recommend “The FBI Way” to professionals eager to cultivate a culture of integrity and excellence within their organizations. 3.5 stars.